





   A scheme for shock absorption and noise reduction of air-conditioning system equipment
   The air conditioning system on the hotel floor is a choice for many hotels.However, when installing air-conditioning systems in buildings, many of them will cause noise problems downstairs due to vibration of air-conditioning equipment.How do we respond?Songxia technology focus on vibration reduction, unchanged for a hundred years.We will provide you with our experience.

   酒店空調系統一般包括冷卻水塔、水泵、風機、空調主機、管道、風機盤管等設備。一般樓安裝的設備是冷卻水塔、水泵、空調主機、風機、管道。其中空調主機、水泵和風機一般是振動較大的設備,管道和冷卻水塔振動,但稍小些。考慮到空調系統是一個相連的系統,因而 、好在安裝時,全部安裝合格的減振器這樣就能為以后完全排除空調設備振動產生噪聲的可能性。
   Hotel air conditioning system generally includes cooling tower, water pump, fan, air conditioning host, pipe, fan coil and other equipment.General building installation of equipment is cooling water tower, water pump, air conditioning host, fans, pipelines.Among them air conditioning host, pump and fan are the equipment with bigger vibration commonly, conduit and cooling water tower vibration, but a little smaller.Considering that the air conditioning system is a connected system, so, fortunately, when the installation, all the installation of qualified shock absorbers so as to completely eliminate the possibility of air conditioning equipment vibration noise.
   酒店 、樓空調系統設備減振降噪聲的方案就只是給設備安裝減震器這么簡單嗎?其實,真的就這么簡單!但也不簡單。不簡單在于現在市場上有太多的不合格減震器,大家很容易買到。不合格的減震器被上去后,減振效果大打折扣,或使用壽命很短。解決振動噪聲不徹底,且后期更換難度更大。
   Hotel, building air conditioning system equipment vibration and noise reduction scheme is just to install shock absorber equipment so simple?In fact, really so simple!But it's not easy.Not simply because there are so many substandard shock absorbers on the market right now, you can easily buy them.Unqualified shock absorber is up, the effect of vibration reduction is greatly reduced, or the service life is very short.Solve the vibration noise is not complete, and the late replacement of more difficult.





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